Daily Thought For December 27, 2015

The Light of Christ Has Come Into The World


John 20:1a, 2–8


“[H]e saw and believed.”

One cool, sunny morning, I was enjoying a good conversation over breakfast with a few sisters from my religious community. We were sitting near the window, and the sunlight streamed in at a particular slant, casting bright light on an otherwise imperceptible strand of a cobweb. Someone commented, “When the sunlight touches something, you can see what is otherwise hidden.”

When light figuratively streams into our life as faith, what is hidden becomes manifest. Faith always reveals what the human eye cannot see but which the heart of a believer can perceive. We begin to “see” God, ourselves, others, and the world around us, whether in the ordinary or extraordinary circumstances of our life, in a new light.

Just three days ago, on Christmas Eve, we began celebrating Christ, the Light that has come to shine upon our darkness. Today’s reading brings us to the resurrection, the fullness of Christ’s light upon us. John, the beloved disciple, brings us from the darkness of the tomb to the light of faith. As Peter and the beloved disciple peer into the tomb and see the burial cloths, the reality and light of the resurrection flood their being. John “saw and believed.”

In the beginning of the First Letter of Saint John, we read: “what we have seen with our eyes, what we looked upon and touched with our hands concerns the Word of life—for the life was made visible … what we have seen and heard we proclaim now to you” (1 Jn 1:1–3). Blessed are we, too, for we “see and hear” Christ in Scripture, in the Eucharist, in our neighbor, and in the community of believers. In the light of the gift of faith, we can “see” Christ everywhere. As the light of the sun allows us to see more clearly, so the light of faith can open up unimaginable dimensions of truth, beauty, and goodness around us!


Thank you, God, for the gift of faith. In moments of darkness, may faith be the invisible lantern to guide my steps. In moments of joy, may faith allow me to share your light. Thank you for coming to dwell among us, to be our Light. Incarnate God, I adore you. I want to see you in all the circumstances of my life: cobwebs, world events, relationships, job, ministry, family, challenges, beauty … everything! Increase my faith and increase my ability to see with new eyes. Lord, you are my one and true Light!


May I see with the eyes of faith.

Daughters of Saint Paul. (2009). Advent Grace: Daily Gospel Reflections (pp. 86–88). Boston, MA: Pauline Books & Media.

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