Daily Thought For March 31, 2018

Getting Ready for Incredible Joy!

Tonight we go back to the beginning. As we ponder Jesus’ crucifixion and death, as we wait eagerly for his resurrection, we sense that something new is about to happen. We stand at the turning point of all history, the critical moment when Jesus passes from death to life and creates everything anew.

It was not enough to patch up the old things. In an ancient homily for Holy Saturday, Jesus is depicted as descending into hell to rescue Adam and Eve. He tells them, “The enemy led you out of the earthly paradise. I will not restore you to that paradise, but I will enthrone you in heaven. I forbade you the tree that was only a symbol of life, but see, I who am life itself am now one with you.” No mere touch-up job, Jesus took his new creation to a whole new level!

The very liturgy of the Easter Vigil ushers us into the mystery of this new creation. A new fire is kindled, and a new Paschal candle is lit. Then the Church moves from darkness to light as we light our individual candles from that one flame. New holy water is blessed, and with it new members are brought into the Church. Yes, Jesus is making all things new!

This newness extends to our lives. Jesus has re-created and restored a world that was disordered by sin—and he re-creates each one of us. He who spoke the universe into existence now speaks healing and wholeness into our lives. He doesn’t just patch us up; he gives us a whole new beginning.

So take some time today to pray about this new creation. On this day, when tabernacles are empty, join the whole Church as it waits in silence. Something new, something wonderful, something beautiful is about to burst forth. Its light will shine all over the world. Its power will rescue people from the darkness of sin. Yes, even you can be raised up in a new and exciting way. Jesus is about to rise from the dead. Let him draw you up to heaven with him.

“Lord, create me anew! Take me from death to life, from chaos to order, from darkness to light. Jesus, I believe in you!”

Daily Thought From The Word Among Us (www.wau.org)

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