Daily Thought For March 18, 2018

Surprises In Heaven
     I have often thought that perhaps I owe all the graces with which I have been blessed to some little soul whom I shall know only in heaven.
     Some time ago, I was watching the almost imperceptible flicker of a tiny night light. One of the sisters came up and, having lit her own candle in the dying flame, passed it round to light the candles of the others, and the thought came to me: Who dares glory in her own works? 
     Just one such faint spark can set the whole world on fire. We are so aware of the bright light of the saints set high on the church’s candlestick, and we think we are receiving from them grace and light. But from whence do they borrow their fire? Very possibly from the prayers of some devout and hidden soul whose inward light is not apparent to human eyes, some soul of unrecognized virtue, and in her own sight, of little worth—a dying flame!
     What mysteries shall we one day see revealed! For it is God’s will that here below, we shall give to one another the heavenly treasures with which our Father has enriched us. 

from Simply Surrender Based on the Little Way of Thérèse of Lisieux

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