Daily Thought For June 18, 2015

What Happens When Faith Is Truly Lived?

When faith is truly lived, when God, who is now and forever the Lord of the world, is glorified, something happens that touches and changes the world to its most profound depths. We cannot probe more deeply into the roots of the world in order to change it than by resting on the Heart of God, thus making it possible to call upon the living Ground and Power that supports everything and is alone capable of restoring all things. If we speak to God, if we open ourselves to God, we are ourselves renewed, and vice versa: if the world closes itself to God, if it turns away from him, it becomes like a planet that has broken loose from its magnetic field and is roaming aimlessly through nothingness. It becomes like an earth that is no longer lit by any sun and on which life has been extinguished. If we lose God, we can no longer be what we were supposed to be because we have lost our fundamental standard, and if we break away from our proper standard, everything else is immoderation and perversion. We can become “right”, we can, so to speak, be “made right”, only if we are made right interiorly. But we are “right” interiorly only when we are conformable to the truth of our being. And this truth is that God made us and that he is our way. There can be no rightness that does not begin in us, and it cannot be in us if we deny the very basis of our rightness.

Ratzinger, J. (1992). Co-Workers of the Truth: Meditations for Every Day of the Year. (M. F. McCarthy & L. Krauth, Trans., I. Grassl, Ed.) (p. 211). San Francisco: Ignatius Press.


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