
Showing posts from May, 2021
 Supernatural Peace Life with God is not immunity from difficulties, but peace in difficulties. C.S. Lewis
  Seeking God's Approval He who is mocked by his friend as I am will call on God, and God will answer him. Often the frail mind, when it gains a good reputation among people for the good actions it has performed, dissipates itself in outward delights, thus putting to one side what it inwardly desires and sprawling happily in the luxury of hearing good things said about it. It is not becoming blessed that makes it happy, but being called blessed by other people. As it longs for the applause, so it abandons the very thing it was beginning to be. What made it deserving of praise in God ended up separating this weak soul from God.   Sometimes, on the other hand, the soul perseveres in good works with constancy, and yet is buffeted by derision; it does great things but receives only abuse for them. In the end he who might have come out of himself, given praise, is thrown back into himself by insults. Thus he establishes himself more firmly in God, since outside there is no rest for him.

Daily Thought for May 27, 2021

  Great Prayer  Dear Lord...shine through me, and be so in me that every soul I come in contact with may feel Your presence in my soul...Let me thus praise You in the way You love best, by shining on those around me. St. John Henry Newman

Daily Thought For May 25, 2021

  We Are Never Empty-Handed! Appear not before the Lord empty-handed. (Sirach 35:6) Have you ever seen a small child at church when the offertory is being collected? Eager to participate, the child is upset that he has nothing to give. But then his mother leans over and slips something into his hand, and the child’s face lights up as he puts a coin into the collection basket. We might feel a bit like that anxious child, especially when Sirach cautions us not to appear before the Lord empty-handed. But the truth is, we really are “unprepared.” What could we possibly give to God? He has made everything, from the tiniest cell to the vast expanses of the galaxies. He is complete in himself and lacks nothing. He doesn’t need anything from us. But like that mother at offertory time, God fills our hands so that we have something to give to him. Every minute of every day is a gift from the Lord. Everything we own comes to us through his hands, and he has given it to us so that we can offer it

Daily Thought For May 24, 2021

  On The Memorial of Mary, Mother of the Church Mother, help our faith!  Open our ears to hear God’s word and to recognize his voice and call.  Awaken in us a desire to follow in his footsteps, to go forth from our own land and to receive his promise.  Help us to be touched by his love, that we may touch him in faith.  Help us to entrust ourselves fully to him and to believe in his love, especially at times of trial, beneath the shadow of the cross, when our faith is called to mature.  Sow in our faith the joy of the Risen One.  Remind us that those who believe are never alone.  Teach us to see all things with the eyes of Jesus, that he may be light for our path. And may this light of faith always increase in us, until the dawn of that undying day which is Christ himself, your Son, our Lord! Pope Francis

Daily Thought For May 22, 2021

  Burning Bush Pentecost Novena - Day 9 - Prayer For A New Outpouring of the Holy Spirit & His Gifts “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift that I told you about… be baptized with the Holy Spirit.” (Act 1:4) Oh Jerusalem, City of David - City of God - City of the Last Supper, the Eucharist - City of His Passion, Death and Resurrection - City of the Victory of His Holy Cross - City of the Upper Room, where Mary and the disciples waited - City of Pentecost, where His Holy Spirit came in Fire and birthed His Church - City of the Return of the Lord, where the Spirit and the Bride say “Come”. Intercede: to be baptized with the Holy Spirit and to receive His Gifts for the building up His body in love and to bring all things in heaven and on earth under his headship. (Eph 4:12; 1:10; 1Cor12:1-11)

Daily Thought For May 21, 2021

  Pentecost Novena Day 8 - Prayer For Victory of the Holy Cross Come, Holy Spirit, let your victory be proclaimed and your glory be revealed upon the face of the earth. (Eph 1:15-23; 2:16; 1Cor 1:17,18) Intercede: for the proclamation of the power and victory of the Holy Cross and its saving power to be manifested over all the earth.

Daily Thought For May 20, 2021

  Pentecost Novena Day 7 - Prayer for Empowerment for Evangelization Come, Holy Spirit, empower us to fulfill your call to be witnesses to the ends of the earth - to be bearers of the Good News. (Acts 1:8) Intercede: for new empowerment by the Holy Spirit to be His witnesses, - for bringing the Gospel to the whole of creation, - for New Evangelization in His Church. “Today, from this Square, Christ says to each of you: Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to the whole of creation (Mk 16:15). He is counting on every one of you, and so is the Church. “Go,” the Lord promises, “I am with you always to the end of the age” (Mt 28:20). I am with you.” John Paul II, Prayer Vigil, eve of Pentecost, 1998  

Daily Thought For May 19, 2021

  Pentecost Novena - Day 6 - Prayer For Reconciliation and Healing Come, Holy Spirit, help us live together in unity, in humility and love. (Ps 133:1-3; Eph 4:1-6) Intercede: for reconciliation and healing to bring unity in your self and family - your diocese, - your parish, - your community, - your prayer group.

Daily Thought For May 18, 2021

  Burning Bush Novena - Day 5 - Inner Healing & Conversion Come, Holy Spirit, let faith and hope arise in the hearts of peoples and let your glory be manifested in your Church. (Rom 8:28-30; 10:9-10; Jn 3:5-8) Intercede: for conversion of sinners, - to grow in Holiness, - the revelation of His Glory, - in His Church, - the world, - your family.

Daily Thought For May 17, 2021

  Burning Bush Pentecost Novena Day 4 - Intercession for the Renewal of Society Come, Holy Spirit, and renew the face of the earth. - Transform society by the power of your Spirit. (Mk 16:16-20) Intercede: for the “Culture of Life” born by the Spirit, to penetrate Society - in the world, - in government, – in your continent, - in your nation.

Daily Thought For May 16, 2021

  Pentecost Novena - Day 3 - Intercession For Christian Unity Come, Holy Spirit, rekindle your fire and renew your Church (Mt 3:11; Acts 2:17-21) Intercede: for the “Spirituality of Pentecost” to renew the Church, - in the world, - in your continent, - in your nation. Including all the Holy Father’s intentions, monthly and especially the desire of Pope John Paul II that the “Spirituality of Pentecost” be spread in the Church, as a renewed thrust of prayer, holiness, communion and proclamation. (John Paul II, Pentecost Solemn Vespers, 2004)

Daily Thought For May 15, 2021

  Pentecost Novena - Day 2 Renewal of the Church Come, Holy Spirit, rekindle your fire and renew your Church (Mt 3:11; Acts 2:17-21) Intercede: for the “Spirituality of Pentecost” to renew the Church, - in the world, - in your continent, - in your nation. Including all the Holy Father’s intentions, monthly and especially the desire of Pope John Paul II that the “Spirituality of Pentecost” be spread in the Church, as a renewed thrust of prayer, holiness, communion and proclamation. (John Paul II, Pentecost Solemn Vespers, 2004) Day 2 - Burning Bush Pentecost Novena

Daily Thought for May 14, 2021

  Burning Bush Pentecost Novena - Day 1 Come, Holy Spirit upon the Jewish people, Israel - the first to hear the Word of God and prepare them for the full realization of the “hope of Israel” - bless our elder brother, the people of your covenant. (Gen 12:1-3;Ps 122:6; Is 62:1-2; Acts 28:20; Rom 11) Intercede: for the shalom peace of Jerusalem, for the righteousness of Jerusalem to shine before the nations and for the whole Jewish people – in Israel and the Diaspora, - in your nation, - in your city. 

Daily Thought for May 13, 2021

  Fatima Pardon Prayer My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love Thee! I beg pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love Thee. Amen.

Daily Thought for May 12, 2021

  Prayer Is Not Blah Blah Blah ⏤ Like A Parrot Dear brothers and sisters, good morning! I am happy to resume this face-to-face meeting, because I will tell you something: it is not nice to speak in front of nothing, to a camera. It is not nice. And now, after many months, thanks to the courage of Msgr. Sapienza, who said, “No, we’ll do it there”, we are gathered here again. Msgr. Sapienza is good! And finding people, finding you here, each one of you with your own story, people who come from all over, from Italy, from the United States, from Colombia… That little football team of four Swiss brothers, I think… who are over there… four. The little sister is missing, I hope she arrives… And seeing each one of you pleases me as we are all brothers and sisters in the Lord, and looking at each other helps us to pray for each other. Also people who are far away but always make themselves close to us. The ever-present Sister Geneviève who comes from Lunapark, people who work... So many. They a

Daily Thought For May 11, 2021

  No Fear Just Faith Dear friends, may no adversity paralyze you. Be afraid neither of the world, nor of the future, nor of your weakness. The Lord has allowed you to live in this moment of history so that, by your faith, his name will continue to resound throughout the world. Pope Benedict XVI 

Daily Thought For May 10, 2021

  Freedom Entrust everything to Me and do nothing on your own, and you will always have great freedom of spirit. St. Faustina Kowalska