Daily Thought For November 11, 2020

 "Do Whatever He Tells You"

My children, do you want to be holy? Do the Will of my Son. If you do not refuse what He tells you, you will possess his likeness and sanctity. Do you wish to conquer all evils? Do whatever my Son tells you. Do you wish to obtain a grace, even one that is difficult to obtain? Do whatever My Son tells you and desires of you. Do you wish to have also the very basic things that are necessary in life? Do whatever my Son tells you and desires of you. Indeed, my Son’s words enclose such power that, as He speaks, His word, which contains whatever it is you ask, makes the graces you seek arise within your souls. There are so many souls that find themselves filled with passions, weak, afflicted, unfortunate and wretched. And although they pray and pray, they obtain nothing because they do not do what my Son asks of them – heaven, it seems, is irresponsive to their prayers… My child, listen closely. If you wish to exercise dominion over all things, and give me the joy of being able to make of you my true child and a child of the Divine Will, then seek nothing but [God’s Will]. —

Our Lady to Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, Meditation n. 6, “The Wedding Feast of Cana”

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