Daily Thought For May 3, 2019
God loves with intensely tender love those of us who are happy enough to abandon tomorrow, ourselves entirely to his fatherly care, letting ourselves be governed by his divine providence without wasting time by considering if the effects of this providence will be useful, profitable, or harmful for us. We can be assured that from all that has been sent to us from his fatherly and lovable heart, God will draw goodness and value, provided that we have placed all our confidence in him and that we say willingly: "I place my spirit," — my soul, my body, and all that I am — "into your blessed hands" to do with as you wish.
I recommend to you holy simplicity. Look straight in front of you and not at those dangers you see in the distance. As you say, to you they look like armies, but they are only willow branches; and while you are looking at them you may take a false step. Let us be firmly resolved to serve God with our whole heart and life. Beyond that, let us have no care about tomorrow. Let us think only of living today well, and when tomorrow comes, it also will be today and we can think about it then. In all this we must trust and be resigned to God's providence. We must make provision for enough manna for the day, and no more. Let us not doubt that God will provide more for us tomorrow, and the day after and all the days of our pilgrimage.
Let's not waste time in willing and wishing for things, but let God arrange them. We should "cast all our care upon him, since he cares for us," as the apostle Peter says. And note that he says: "all our care," that is, all our concern about what comes to us from the events of life as well as what comes to us from what we want or don't want. "He will take care" of the success of these things and he wishes for us whatever is best.
St. Francis de Sales Golden Counsels pp.20-22