Daily Thought For April 17, 2019

Living Fountain of All Graces

Hail, most merciful Heart of Jesus, 
Living Fountain of all graces, 
Our sole shelter, our only refuge; 
In You I have the light of hope. 
Hail, most compassionate Heart of my God, 

Unfathomable living Fount of Love 
From which gushes life for sinful man 
And the Spring of all sweetness. 

Hail, open Wound of the Most Sacred Heart, 
From which the rays of mercy issued forth 
And from which it was given us to draw life 
With the vessel of trust alone. 

Hail, God’s goodness, incomprehensible, 
Never to be measured or fathomed, 
Full of love and mercy, though always holy, 
Yet, like a good mother, ever bent o’er us. 

Hail, Throne of Mercy, Lamb of God, 
Who gave Your life in sacrifice for me, 
Before whom my soul humbles itself daily, 

Living in faith profound. 

St. Faustina Kowalska Diary—Divine Mercy in My Soul #1321

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