Daily Thought For April 16, 2019

Extraordinary Inspirations
     Other inspirations are extraordinary, not only because they take the soul beyond the limits of ordinary activity, but also because they go against traditional laws, rules, and customs of the Church. These are easier to admire than to imitate. 
     One of the best indicators of all inspirations in general, and extraordinary ones in particular, is the peace and tranquility that comes with them. While the Holy Spirit is powerful, his power is gentle. He arrives at the Upper Room "like the blowing of a violent wind" (Acts 2:2). But he does not knock the Apostles down. Their natural response of fear is quickly replaced with calm confidence. 
     God's servants who had the highest and most awe-inspiring inspirations were also the mildest and most peaceful people. The evil spirit is unstable, rough, and upsetting. Those who get taken in by infernal suggestions, mistaking them for heavenly inspirations, are easy to spot. They are loud, obstinate, arrogant, and ready to meddle with everything, using the cloak of religious fervor to turn everything upside down. They are critical of others and find fault with everything. They will not listen to guidance or yield to any other point of view. They gratify the passions of self-love while claiming they are doing so out of jealousy for God's honor. 

from Living Love —A Modern Edition of Treatise On The Love of God by Francis de Sales p.79

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