Daily Thought For September 5, 2018
Simplicity of Heart
In our ascetical struggle, we have to acknowledge what we are really like and accept our limitations, knowing that God sees them and takes them into account. Far from worrying us, this should lead us to trust in Him more, asking his help to overcome our defects and to achieve the aims which we see are currently necessary in our interior life - those points we are following up more closely in our particular and general examinations of conscience.
If we are simple before God we will know how to be simple with those whom we meet every day - our relations, friends and colleagues. The simple person is one who acts and speaks in complete harmony with what he thinks and desires. He is a person who shows himself as he is, without trying to appear to be what he is not, or to have what he does not have. It always gives one great joy to meet a straightforward soul, without nooks and crannies, someone we can trust, like Nathanael who earned Our Lord's praise: "Here comes one who belongs to the true Israel; there is no falsehood in him." On the other hand, elsewhere Our Lord puts us on guard against false prophets, men who come to you in sheep's clothing, against those who think one thing and do another.
from In Conversation with God by Francis Fernandez pp. 315-316