Daily Thought For June 4, 2018
The Fountain of Grace
The fountain of grace heals us and strengthens the life of grace by guiding the flow of purest love to the deep recesses of the heart. So often we forget the depths for which we are created. We rush through the day from one thing to another, without realizing the meaning available in this very moment. As the Holy Spirit moves within us a change takes place and an interior conversion emerges. The mysteries of the faith more easily suffuse the soul's most original depths. The heart itself becomes contoured to receive a deeper influx of the life of grace. Like a fountain, the Holy Spirit generates his love from the very center of our existence. This is not automatic or without difficulty. We do not become immune to the ups and downs of life, but we find a deeper stability and purpose in them. A fountain is always transcending itself by giving itself away, pouring itself out. Through grace, the Holy Spirit's gift of love encounters our weaknesses, our faults and bad habits, our secrets, and also our sins. The Spirit's love transforms us so that today, in this time and space, our love can be renewed. We will still feel the same pressures and stress. We will still encounter difficulties and burdens. But we will discover a new momentum, a new spaciousness opening up even in anxious moments. This newness invites us to respond with love where we used to become upset, flustered, or angry. This new momentum comes from grace and prompts us to make a self-giving sacrifice of obedience by which we live the life of virtue on the way to salvation.
from Living the Beatitudes -A Journey to Life in Christ J. Brian Bransfield pp. 189-190