Daily Thought For January 9, 2018

Measure Meekness

I would encourage you to nurture the two obvious aspects of meekness―humbly accepting God’s will and practicing moderation in your own needs and demands. Ask yourself these questions as a way to measure meekness in your own life:
    1. Are you willing to accept where  God has placed you, to be at peace with it, and to do the best you can wherever you are?
    2. Are you a person of moderation, one who doesn’t do anything to such an excess that you unduly become a cause of discomfort for others?
     3. Are you willing in imitation of Christ to surrender even moderation in favor of self-denial when you face the demands of justice or of Christian charity?
     As you make these two qualities your aim―especially the acceptance of God’s will―you will find yourself advancing in the spiritual life. You will experience a deepening inner composure that helps you to pray and to do the will of God. And you will gradually experience more of God’s light illuminating  the pathway of your own spiritual journey.

from Quiet Moments with Benedict Groeschel 120 Readings #21

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