Daily Thought For March 18, 2017

Focus On Rising & Getting Back on Course
 Never let us be discouraged with ourselves; it is not when we are conscious of our faults that we are the most wicked; on the contrary we are then less so. We see by a brighter light; and let us remember for our consolation that we never perceive our sins till we begin to cure them. We must neither flatter nor be impatient with ourselves in the correction of our faults. Despondency is not a state of humility; on the contrary, it is the vexation of despair of a cowardly pride ― nothing worse; whether we stumble or whether we fall, we must think only of rising again and going on our course. Our faults may be useful to us, if they cure us of vain confidence in ourselves, and do not deprive us of a humble and salutary confidence in God. Let us bless God with as true thankfulness if He have enabled us to make any progress in virtue as if we had made it through our own strength, and let us not be troubled with the weak agitations of self-love; let them pass; do no think of them. God never makes us to feel our weakness but that we may be led to seek strength from Him. What is involuntary should not trouble us; but the great thing is never to act against the light within us, and to desire to follow where God would lead us. 


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