Daily Thought For May 15, 2016

The Joy of Pentecost!


John 20:19–23


“When the doors were locked.…”

Today we celebrate Pentecost, and the Church asks us this great question: Is your heart open to the Holy Spirit? He has been sent to us through the door of salvation opened by the death and resurrection of Christ. Yet, like the apostles and disciples who had witnessed the marvels of the life, teaching, suffering, and death of the Lord, and then the glorious, astounding events of his life resurrected, we may have closed and locked our door.

Why? It isn’t that we don’t believe all that Christ taught, or what we have experienced of the power of his grace in the sacraments and in our daily lives. It is perhaps that our faith has been stunned by the realization of what has taken place. Salvation is more than we hoped for, we who live our days in this world.

We often plod along from day to day hoping for the best. We may only have a vague idea of what that best might be. Our daily concerns and cares may cloud our vision of faith. And so, we may be hiding in fear of the stunning act of love we have just lived in the Lent and Easter seasons. Fear is the natural reaction. We fear our very fearfulness.

Today we open the doors of our hearts and let in hope and healing, like the sun’s rays coming through the clouds. Today the Holy Advocate comes to fill us with wisdom, fortitude, and zeal. The Spirit brings all these things to our minds. He strengthens our resolve to live as true followers of Christ, and he fills our heart with fire.


Lord, you stand at the door of my heart and knock. Sometimes I keep you waiting. I hesitate to open my door. I am unsure of your request. Other times I am distracted. Let me just finish with what I am doing before I let you come in. Why do I wait? Why do I fear your visit? Come to me with the fire of your love. Fill me with wisdom; fortify my spirit; make me zealous for your reign. Send your Spirit. Come to me, Lord, you are always welcome!


“He breathed on them and said: ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’ ”

Daughters of Saint Paul. (2011). Easter Grace: Daily Gospel Reflections. (M. G. Dateno & M. L. Trouvé, Eds.) (pp. 130–131). Boston, MA: Pauline Books & Media.

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