Daily Thought For April 9, 2014 (Encouragement)


1 Thessalonians 5:14: "And we urge you, beloved, to admonish the idlers, encourage the faint hearted, help the weak, be patient with all of them." 

But how can I encourage anyone when I myself need encouragement? 

Padre Pio's assurance: "Do not be discouraged or frightened by your miseries and weaknesses, because God has seen even worse sins in you, and, by his mercy did not reject you. God does not reject poor sinners, and he will not reject you either, but on the contrary, he will grant you his grace, and will erect the throne of his glory on your misery and vileness. Therefore, do not fear and do not be anxious anymore about the doubts of your conscience because fear is in vain and diabolical. Don't worry if your brothers and sisters don't want to listen to you; correct them always and don't worry about anything else." 

"Lift up your heart. Do not become discouraged in the face of the trials to which divine mercy wishes to subject you. He wants to test and strengthen you once again at the school of sacrifice and suffering. Do not become discouraged. Pray with humility, and remember the calm after the rain; after the darkness, light; after the storm and the turmoil, placid quiet."

Lord, thank you for the encouragement. Help me to always pass it on to others, assuring them of the calm that will follow their storm. Amen. 

from Padre Pio's Words of Hope edited by Eileen Dunn Bertanzetti p.52

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