Daily Thought For November 5, 2021

 Great Reflection On The Dishonest Steward

Were you startled when you read this verse? Why would the master commend this steward? He’d already been chastised for squandering his master’s property. And now he was doing something that appeared even worse—he was telling his master’s debtors to reduce their debt! And these were no small accounts! One hundred measures of olive oil alone could translate to eight hundred gallons.

But let’s look at what this steward was actually doing. Like many other stewards, he had likely been inflating the amount his master’s debtors owed and keeping the extra money for himself. By decreasing their debt, he was giving away his own profits, not actually causing his master to lose money. He knew he would soon be out of work and possibly unemployable, so he gave the debtors a break in the hope that they would help him out later on. So this wily steward corrected his fraudulent ledgers and made friends for himself in the process!

Jesus wants us to learn from this steward—not from his dishonesty, but from his shrewdness and ability to think about his future. We may or may not have material wealth, but we are all “stewards” of God’s gifts. We can be as creative as this steward when we consider how to use what God has given us to help ourselves—and the people around us. One day our “stewardship” will end. Our resources are only temporary. All the more reason to use them to build the kingdom of God here and now so that one day we can enter the “eternal dwellings” in heaven (Luke 16:9).

Take a look at what you’re doing with the goods you have. How can your gifts benefit God’s kingdom here on earth? How can you use your resources for the good of other people? As a child of God, you don’t have to act in fear like the steward. You can be sure that your heavenly Father will never let go of you. So get creative! Freely give of the gifts God has given to you, and build his kingdom in the process.

Lord, help me to be a good steward of all that you have given me!”

Daily Meditation from The Word Among Us (www.wau.org)

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