Daily Thought For September 16, 2021

 Where Sin Abounds Grace Abounds More

All things work together unto good for those who love God, for in the divine hands even hindrances are converted into helps.  But does moral evil, sin, also promote the spiritual welfare of those who love God?  Yes. … What God does on a large scale in history, he does on a small scale in each soul.  One day in heaven we shall understand the important role played in our sanctification by our frailties and our sins.  And even though we regret having offended God, after all, perhaps we should paraphrase the words of the Church: ‘O happy sins of mine that merited so great a Redeemer.’  O truly necessary faults, for our failings humiliate us by revealing to us our nothingness.  This is one of the main purposes for which God permits them.

Servant of God Luis Maria Martinez

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