Saint Catherine’s Prayer for the Whole World and the Holy Church This soul, seeing by the light of faith the truth and excellence of obedience, and lovingly hearing and tasting it with an ecstatic desire, turns gratefully toward God’s majesty, saying, “Thank you, eternal Father, for not despising me, the work of your hands, for not turning your face from me, nor disregarding my desires. You, pure light, have not paid attention to my darkness. You, true life, have not shunned my living death. You, the physician, have not been repulsed by my serious illness. You, eternal purity, have not paid attention to my miserable state. You, the infinite, have not considered that I am finite. You, eternal wisdom, have not seen my foolishness. “Your wisdom, goodness, and mercy have simply overlooked my many faults and sins. Because of your merciful forgiveness, I have made your charity and love of neighbor my own. Have I been coerced? Not by my own virtues, but by your love. I pray that that sam...