Daily Thought For July 19, 2019

Obtaining Peace

My CHILD, My saints lived in this world without complaint. They were aware of their own defects, and they offered up their daily trials in reparation for their faults. They developed the virtues of humility and simplicity in order to avoid self-deception. Their greatest fear was that they might deceive themselves into a sense of their own goodness, or even of superiority over others. By living with eyes fixed on Me, they lived in peace. 

If you want to enjoy My gift of peace, learn to control your selfishness in many things. Do your best but do it for Me. Give Me the best loyalty within you because I deserve it. Do not always expect a reward for the good you do. I have already given you more than you can ever repay Me. 

If you cannot help others against their faults and defects, the only thing left for you is to mind your own business. Let them go along the way they have chosen. Why lose your peace of soul, or even sin by anger? 

First keep yourself in peace. Then you can see more clearly how to bring peace to others. A peaceful man has far core influence than a merely learned one. Everyone is impressed by the man who has peace because all feel the attractions of My grace within him. Do not desire anything more nor less than My Will, and My peace will remain with you. Then may you hope to bring this peace to others. 

All men desire peace, but so few do what it takes to obtain true peace. Some think that they will find it in financial security. Others seek it in continual activity. Others hope to find peace in human friendship, or praise, or admiration. These things are not the source of true peace. A daily life of straight thinking, and unselfish following of God's Will, is the one and only source of true peace. Interior tranquility is God's gift to those who love His truth and obey His Will in their daily life. Resentment against some circumstance or other, robs many people of their peace of soul. I should learn to live with what I cannot control or eliminate in my daily life. God will help me rise above such things if only I will give Him a chance to share my life. 

Lord, help me to do what is necessary to obtain the wonderful peace which You have promised to us, the peace which our souls crave. Grant me the grace to seek Your holy Will and to live it in all that happens to me this day. I desire to bring Y our peace to those around me. I will try to help them when it is possible, and I will leave them to You when my efforts are useless. Your holy Will will be my first concern in everything that occurs today. Those who seek to live as You desire, fulfill the highest wisdom and attain a heavenly peace even in this earthly life. May I be one of these faithful followers? Amen. 

from My Daily Bread by the Confraternity of the Precious Blood pp.313-315

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