Daily Thought For February 16, 2019
A Beautiful Reminder In Hardship
“Saint Catherine of Siena once received a visit from her heavenly spouse at a time when she was being assailed by a tide of temptations of the flesh. ‘My Lord,’ she called out to him, ‘where were you when my heart was being tormented by so many temptations?’ And the Lord replied, ‘I was in your heart.’ And she said, ‘Saving always the truth of what you say, my Lord, and with all due respect for your majesty, how can I believe that you were living in my heart, when it was full of unclean and devilish thoughts?’ And the Lord answered: ‘Those thoughts and temptations: did they gladden your heart, or sadden it? Did they bring you pleasure, or displeasure?’ And she replied: ‘Great pain, and great displeasure.’ And the Lord answered: ‘Who was it who made you feel displeasure, if not I who was hiding in the center of your heart?’
Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, O.F.M. Cap., February Magnificat, p. 144