Daily Thought For January 21, 2019
Desiring A "Deep" Will
We might imagine that life becomes extremely tedious when we are always bound to God's will, particularly when that will extends to all the details of life. Never again to be able to do what we want! But listening to God and obeying him is precisely what we want. This becomes clearer if we distinguish between a superficial and a deep will in the human person. We often identify a person's will with what is merely his superficial will. The superficial will is usually at the service of egoism. It listens to all its conflicting impulses and lets itself be led by the notorious couple: "I like—I don't like." It also obeys reason, to the extent that it egotistically seeks profit and gain. The deep will, on the other hand, is at the service of love; it coincides with our innate desire for God. The deep will "wants" God, moves toward him, and finds its satisfaction in him.
from "Into Your Hands, Father — Abandoning Ourselves to the God Who Loves Us" by Wilfrid Stinissen p.68