Daily Thought For April 26, 2018

Helping People Get Closer To The Lord A Clear Sign We Are Responding To God's Love

    Our love of God is merely a response to His love. He loved us first.  Ours is the love God places in our souls so that we too are able to love. That is why we ask him, Lord, give me the love with which you want me to love you. 
    We correspond with the love of God when we love others; when we see in them the dignity proper to the human person, made as it has been in the image and likeness of God, created with an immortal soul and called to give glory to God for all eternity. Love is to approach that wounded man we come across on our journey each day; it is to bind up his wounds, restore him to health and take care of him in all things. We must exert ourselves on his behalf, making a serious effort in order to bring him to God. Separation from God is always the greatest of evils, and those thus separated from him are in need of our help and our urgent attention. Apostolate is a wonderful sign of our love for God, and is the way to love him more. 
From In Conversation with God by Francis Fernandez Volume 4 p.5

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