Daily Thought For August 11, 2017

The Struggle In Every Moment

Love leads to communion, 
and communion allows everyone to move forward in harmony. Communion is not a happiness passively enjoyed, 
but it struggles to maintain a fraternal spirit and to open the doors of this fraternity 
to all people. 
By nature, love propagates itself; 
it is contagious, communicates to others, and draws everyone toward communion. 
I must engrave this maxim within myself: 
"Communion is the struggle of every moment." A moment's neglect can destroy it; 
a mere trifle suffices, 
a single thought without charity, 
an obstinately maintained prejudice, a harmful attachment, 
an erroneous direction, 
a personal ambition or interest, 
an action done for myself and not for the Lord, returning to a bad habit already abandoned, the desire for personal satisfaction 
that overrides what is pleasing to the Lord. 

Help me, Lord, to examine myself in this way: 
Who is the center of my life: you or me? If you are the center, then everyone will be gathered into unity. 
But if, instead, I see that people around me lose interest and disperse, 
that will be a sign that I have put myself at the center. 

from Prayers of Hope — Words of Courage by Francis Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan pp.34-35

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