Daily Thought For October 20, 2016

The Effects of Charity In Daily Life
1. My CHILD, when true charity fills your soul, it brings many wonderful effects into your daily life. These effects are due to the fact that charity looks for Me in all things. In his desire for a more perfect union with Me, the charitable man seeks to be more like Me in his daily life. 
2. Since love always seeks to express itself in some form of self-sacrifice, the charitable man seeks to offer his attention and help to his fellowmen for My sake. Following My words, "You did it to Me," he seeks to serve Me in the people who need his help. 
3. The man of charity is patient in many circumstances which arouse others to anger or disgust. He refuses to become impatient because he is keenly aware of My great patience with him and with all sinners. In his love for Me he prefers to reflect My patience and meekness, rather than anger or revenge. When compelled to defend his rights, he does so without harshness or meanness. 
4. His kindness brings confidence and encouragement to those who are afraid or downhearted. Others never hesitate to ask for his assistance because they know that he will not willingly refuse. 
5. The charitable man never envies those who have more earthly goods, greater talents, or better success. He is content to possess My love and to accept My Will in all things. 
6. In his dealings with others he is considerate and fair, because he is not over-eager for his own gain. His love for Me has freed him from all unreasonable ambition and from the vain desire to appear better than others. 
7. One whose heart is filled with true charity refuses to judge others rashly. He prefers to believe good of others rather than evil. When people do him wrong, the charitable man is more pained at the offense to Me than at the harm done to himself. 
8. The holy virtue of charity makes one so honest that he can admit the truth, even when it points out his limitations and defects. True charity makes one humble enough to face all facts, even disagreeable ones. 
9. These are some of the effects flowing from genuine charity. When this divine virtue is earnestly developed, it fosters many other virtues needed in daily life. The way of charity is the shortest to God because it is the fastest way to Christian perfection. If you strive to develop this glorious virtue in your daily life, you may rest assured that you are walking toward eternal life each moment of the day. 

The charitable man is the most perfect reflection of God on earth. When he is near, those around him feel a certain awareness of God's presence. His love for God overflows in his soul and touches the hearts of those around him. Being charitable means being a saint. This is the answer to my dreams of success. I can become an eternal success. By my unselfish charity I can draw closer to God in my earthly life, and I can also bring others closer to Him. I can earn the eternal glory of helping others gain Heaven. Through charity I can do most for God, most for my fellowmen, and most for myself. 

Dear Lord of love, You are continually giving Your assistance to me and to all things created. Every moment of existence is a gift from You. I can rise to my highest glory by imitating You. The more I give of myself for Your sake, the more will I resemble You. My greatest proof of love for You will be this effort to become more God-like, since this is Your greatest desire for me. Grant me the grace to favor You in the future as consistently as I have favored myself in the past. Take the place of self in my thoughts, desires, and actions. I ask only that I may never become so rash as to follow my own will, not even in this holy desire to prove my love for You. The higher I aim, the more obedient must I be to my spiritual director. Otherwise the devil will succeed in drawing me away from You through some foolish extreme. Lord, make me generous enough to try, and humble enough to follow direction in an honest daily effort to give myself entirely to You. Amen.  
from My Daily Bread pp. 284-287

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