Daily Thought For August 10, 2016
Have Confidence In God & Not Your Feelings
A thousand times a day cast your whole heart, your soul, your anxiety on God with great confidence, and say with the psalmist: "I am yours, Lord; save me."
Jesus sent the apostles here and there without money, without staff, without shoes, and clothed in a single garment. Afterwards, he said to them, "When I sent you away like this, did you lack anything?" They answered, "No." When you had troubles, even at those times when you had no confidence in God, did you perish in your affliction? You will answer me, "No." Why then should you lack the courage to overcome all other misfortunes? God has not abandoned you so far; why should he forsake you now, when, more than ever, you wish to belong to him?
Do not fear future evil in this world, for perhaps it will never come. But in any event, if evil should come, God will strengthen you. If God commands you to walk upon the waves of adversity, do not doubt; do not be afraid. God is with you; have courage and you will be delivered.
It is very fine to be aware of our misery and imperfection, but we must not stop there, nor fall into discouragement, but pick ourselves up by a holy confidence in God. The foundation of this rests in God and not in us because we change and God never changes.
I often say that our misery is the throne of God's mercy.
from The Golden Counsels of Saint Franics de Sales