Daily Thought For April 19, 2016

Seeking A Deeper Relationship With The Lord


John 10:22–30


“No one can take them out of my hand.”

Jesus didn’t respond to the ultimatums and the timetable of those who demanded to know if he was the messiah. They were looking for easy answers, unwilling to walk the journey of faith and surrender. Because they had already made up their minds, they could not accept it when Jesus told them his true identity: “The Father and I are one.”

God does marvels for those who listen to his voice, who follow his invitations and the movements of his Holy Spirit. Saint Paul referred to Jesus’ followers as temples of the Spirit. The more receptive we are to his presence and peace, the more we become worthy temples where God is pleased to dwell. No matter our struggles, temptations, or difficulties, God invites us into a deeper relationship with him. God knows us personally, and the more we wholeheartedly seek him, the deeper that relationship will grow.

Human relationships grow when persons communicate with sincerity. Similarly, our relationship with God deepens when we honestly tell him what we think and feel. We never have to be afraid of being ourselves with him, because he knows and accepts us already. God wants us to reveal ourselves to him as we are, not for his sake, but for ours. We need to know that God always loves us unconditionally, just as we are. Not only will God reveal himself to us, but God reveals himself according to our needs.

Jesus promises us: “No one can take them out of my hand.” Jesus, the Risen One, is alive and present to us now. We can begin to share the experience of his resurrection even in this life, not only after our death. God promises us life in eternity, but he also gives life to our spirit now, everyday. Everyone who sincerely approaches God can trust in his love, for he forever cherishes us.


Lord, give me an open ear to listen to your word. Help me to surrender in trust to your plan for me, for I know that your providence guides and permits everything for my good. You invite me to an intimate relationship and hold me in your good hands. Jesus Way, may I follow you as your disciple and lead others to you. Jesus Truth, give me zeal for what is good and true, and a mind that is open to truth. Jesus Life, may your sacraments and the gifts of the Holy Spirit fill me with love that is expressed in acts of justice and charity.


Jesus, you know me and give me eternal life.

Daughters of Saint Paul. (2011). Easter Grace: Daily Gospel Reflections. (M. G. Dateno & M. L. Trouvé, Eds.) (pp. 60–61). Boston, MA: Pauline Books & Media.

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