Daily Thought For July 3, 2015
Beauty For Ashes
by Jennifer Hubard
by Jennifer Hubard
He assures me of his promise through the example of Saints Peter and Paul. Through them, he teaches me his glory has no boundaries and love no limit.
Without hesitation, Peter lays down his nets and steps off the boat when Jesus calls. Peter's love is deep-rooted and indisputable. And still, the beloved Peter denies him. Yet, with his faults and cracks, Peter is the rock he uses to build the Church.
And Paul-Paul spit venom at believers and stood watch while they were beaten and bruised. And still he draws Paul close. He opens Paul's eyes and places his cloak over his shoulders. Paul surrenders to his complete will and in the darkest hours, from the smallest of confines, proclaims his glory.
Just as with Peter and Paul, he has a purpose for my weakness. He reveals his love for me, assures me he will never leave, and restores the broken pieces of my life into a beautiful mosaic.
Jennifer Hubbard resides in Newtown, CT. The younger of her two children, Catherine Violet, was a victim of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.