Daily Thought For May 28, 2015

Master I Want To See


Mark 10:46–52


“Master, I want to see.”

Did you ever play childhood games in which you were blindfolded and therefore dependent on sounds and touch to know where you were? Imagine a lifetime of blindness: depending on the help of others, not seeing where you are and the beauty that surrounds you or the nonverbal communication of body language or a glance!
Bartimaeus is blind. He longs to be able to see. When he learns that Jesus is passing by, he repeatedly cries out, “Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me.” His perseverance and faith are rewarded, for Jesus hears him and tells the bystanders to call Bartimaeus. When Jesus asks what he wants, the blind man replies, “Master, I want to see.” And Jesus heals him.

Can we imagine what he first saw? Perhaps he first looked upon the face of Jesus. What was communicated in that gaze? Whatever Bartimaeus learned caused him to follow Jesus on the way.

We too might suffer from poor vision and wish to be able to see. Even more than physical blindness, however, we might suffer from spiritual blindness. Then our vision of success or happiness may be limited to having a good-looking body, a house filled with the latest gadgets, or a prestigious job. This blindness inhibits our ability to see God’s presence in our day, or to recognize God’s love and care. Our life could be so different if we had the vision of faith.
What can we do? Let us imitate Bartimaeus, recognize our blindness, and strongly desire to see. Let us turn to Jesus and cry out longingly, “Jesus, Master, I want to see!” Jesus never refuses this prayer. Bartimaeus immediately received his sight, but the spiritual vision that we seek grows gradually. As we continue to ask for this gift, we will begin to notice God’s presence and action. We will come to understand life with its circumstances differently. This is the type of vision that we long for. Therefore let us repeatedly cry out, “Jesus, I want to see!”


Jesus, when I stop to consider how I look at life, at its circumstances, and even at things, I realize that my vision is so superficial. I truly suffer from spiritual blindness. Sometimes I forget that there is more to reality. Sometimes I don’t even remember you and how essential you are to me. Lord, heal my blindness, as you healed Bartimaeus. I want to see with new eyes, with faith. Grant me this vision. Reveal your presence to me today. Help me to see as you see so that I, too, can more closely follow you on the way.


Lord, grant that I may truly see.

Daughters of St. Paul. (2011). Ordinary Grace Weeks 1–17: Daily Gospel Reflections. (M. G. Dateno & M. L. Trouvé, Eds.) (pp. 138–139). Boston, MA: Pauline Books & Media.

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