Daily Thought For February 13, 2015
The Anointing of the Holy Spirit
The early Christians understood this, and in cases where they did not, as with Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11) or some Corinthians (1Cor. 11:26-33), there were sad consequences. Such unworthy disciples became guilty, in practice, of 'desecration'. What the Spirit had anointed and consecrated, the spirit of this world had corrupted and desecrated. What had been qualified for society's revolution of love (by the baptism of the Spirit, a 'baptism of love') had got lured back to the kingdom of the Enemy of love.
In our case too, our consecration by the Spirit for a prophetic mission to the poor can have got 'choked by the cares and riches and pleasures of life' (Luke 8:14). Hence we can find ourselves unfruitful, and our prophetic character desecrated. We then need to pray for a new outpouring of the Spirit, a re-consecration, a rekindling of the gift we received when hands were laid upon us, so that it is more clearly seen that "the love of Christ controls us... He died for all, that those who live might live no longer for themselves but for him, who for their sakes died and was raised... If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation!" (2Cor. 5:14-17).
Fr. Fio Mascarenhas (to read full article go to my website (www.thegraceofpentecost.com and click on "featured article link")