Daily Thought For September 29, 2014

Let Go Of The Past

Roll up your sleeves and begin to work! This means we must be aware of our responsibility toward our brothers and sisters, accept our mission, and be determined to overcome evil. We must take up this task again and again. 

However modestly, the sinful woman, Nicodemus, and Peter began again with courage, hope, and determination, making the second half of their lives more beautiful than the first. 

Reconstruct and reinforce! This is a law of historical reality and apostolic action—even when everything crumbled, even after 300 years of Christian persecution under the Roman Empire! Linus, Cletus, Clement, and Sixtus succeeded Peter after his death. After Paul's death came Cyprian, Cornelius, and Chrysogonus. The generations followed one after another. 

In my country of Vietnam, the same thing happened. The Trinh, the Tay Son, the Nguyen dynasties passed away, but the Church remained and our ancestors continued the work. When difficulties seemed to bring everything they had done to ruin, they began again with love and unshakeable trust in the Lord and in their brothers and sisters. 

They did not waste time recalling their insufficiencies, defeats, and difficulties. The Lord is not looking for passive saints. 

After the resurrection, Jesus did not return to the past, rather, in complete faith he turned toward the future: "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature." (cf. Mk 16:15) 

from Prayers of Hope—Words of Courage by Cardinal Francis Xavier Nguyễn Văn Thuận pp. 88-89

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